Quantity of 20 Quix Stix

Quantity of 20 Quix Stix

Regular price $499.00 (includes 16+ training videos) Price Includes 3-5 Day USPS Shipping
  • Any school or organization that orders 20 units of Quix Stix gets 1 free remote tele-video training session.
  • We first verify their details based on the order.
  • Additional zoom or other remote tele-video training session at $75.00 per hour session

Warranty: Quix Stix is to be free of defects for 1 year from date of purchase.

Injury Disclaimer: Quix Stix should never be used to strike or poke anyone. Stand at least 4 to 6 feet away when playing with your Quix Stix. Do not run with your Quix Stix.  Quix Stix will not be responsible for any injury arising from play with it.

Maintenance and Care: Do not expose Quix Stix to temperatures in excess of 90 degrees. Do not store in cars on hot days where the internal temperature of the car is over 90 degrees. Do not place heavy objects on top of the Quix Stix. In the event that a cup becomes deformed invert it and let it rest for an hour and it should return to its original shape. Store your Quix Stix inside of the Quix Stix and when at rest put them on a flat surface with the two stcks inside the Quix Stix resting upon the falt surface upon which they sit.